The target of 200 recorded cases of spirit possession for study and analysis has been reached. Researchers with an interest in suspected spirit possession and its relationship with mental illness are invited to analyze the data. Click this link for a histogram of age distribution.
My interview with Jason Bland
In Conversation at the SPR
Intervewed by Ersilia Pompilio
On the Odd. My interview with Mark Jeacoma
Here is a recording my my interview with Mark Jeacoma of the radio station ‘On the Odd’ in Long Island, New York. Its a long interview that lasts for one hour and twelve minutes, so settle down, make yourself comfortable and let the interview explain a lot about spirit possession and how I came to work in this field of human experience. Click anywhere in the image below for access to the recording.
SPR Lecture 2018
My lecture on Telepathic Hypnosis, delivered to the Society for Psychical Research in June 2018. This lecture gives the historical background on the scientific validity of using hypnosis with telepathy that inspired the remote viewing program of the United States Department of Defense. In this lecture I cite three case studies that demonstrate the potential of this treatment method for healing serious mental disorders such as psychosis and dissociative disorders.