Talk Radio – Advance notice for another interview
After being interviewed on four radio channels in the USA, we have been invited to speak about the Science of Spirit Possession on a UK radio channel. Scheduled for 10:20 on the morning of Sunday 18th March with Howard Hughes as host. I understand this to be a talk show, so come along and take part.
Coast 2 Coast Radio Interview
I had the privilege to be invited for a second interview with Dave Schrader on the Coast 2 Coast radio network in the United States on the evening of 16th December 2017 (07:00 17th December UK time). Click on the image below to access the recording. Listeners are required to register with the radio station for access to show recordings, etc.
Massive reduction in price
Here is fantastic news from the publishers of The Science of Spirit Possession (2nd ed). They are offering a reduced price from £52.99 down to £16 for the hardback version for a limited period. So all students and researchers with limited resources can now get their copy straight from the publishers with the special discount code: a16c12
A paperback version
Telepathic Hypnosis – A new page
A new page has been added to this web site under the parent heading of Hypnosis. It contains an excerpt from my book The Science of Spirit Possession 2nd ed (2014).
I have included it because it is probably the most important topic of human consciousness that has been abandoned and ignored by modern Western society, but provides a scientific explanation how we can be influenced in our thoughts, feelings and behaviour from a distance by an unseen source.
Happy New Year to all.
Psychic Protection at the Crazy Wisdom Bookstore
Psychic Protection with Terence Palmer
Psychic Protection with Terence Palmer • May 10, 7-8:30 p.m. in the Crazy Wisdom Community Room •Participants will learn to protect themselves from negative spirit intrusions during meditation practices. $10 suggested donation. Call Priscilla at 269-339-1951; or
Product reviews for The Science of Spirit Possession (2nd Edition)

– Thomas Zinser, Ed.D., Author of Soul-Centered Healing.
2nd edition of The Science of Spirit Possession released
This second edition includes an additional chapter on neuro-imaging and automatic writing, together with a draft research protect protocol to test the efficacy of remote spirit release therapy under strictly controlled conditions.
Click on the image to purchase direct from the publisher.