The case of Miss Beauchamp offers a good introduction to the problem of ‘discernment’, that is to distinguish the difference between a dissociated ego-part and the consciousness of a discarnate entity.
A simple model
This is a much simplified diagram of a model to illustrate the relationship between ego-strength, dissociation potential and the predisposition to experience the hearing of voices through psychosis and / or spiritual mediumship. It is hoped that this simple diagram will encourage discussion and debate about these relationships.
A video from Voice Collective
Spiritual ‘Light’ and quantum theory
Dissociation terminology chronological table
Here is a chronological table to illustrate the development of terminology that is associated with dissociative disorders.
Dissociation chronological table
Hearing voices. Mental illness or veridical manifestation?
Remote SRT research protocol
Should the brain be left to neuroscientists?
Efficacy of SRT research protocol development
The research protocol is in the development stage, and would-be participants are invited to contribute to its development with comments: