A very useful research reference site.
Victor Stenger: Not Dead Experiences (NDE)
Sound recordings of occult voices, paranormal music and unseen intelligences – 1905-2007.
Note: Collection of audio documents of paranormal phenomena including trance speech, direct voices, clairvoyance, xenoglossy, glossolia including ethnological material, paranormal music, “rappings” and other poltergeist manifestations as well as so-called “Electronic voice phenomena”.
Mindfulness and Neuroscience
Proof of Heaven – a doctor’s experience
Philena Bruce talks about SRT
William Baldwin’s depossesion of a client
Hypnosis and brain research
Why hypnosis doesn’t work for everyone. Science Daily (Oct. 3, 2012) — Not everyone is able to be hypnotized, and new research from the Stanford University School of Medicine shows how the brains of such people differ from those who can easily be.