Massive reduction in price

Here is fantastic news from the publishers of The Science of Spirit Possession (2nd ed). They are offering a reduced price from £52.99 down to £16 for the hardback version for a limited period. So all students and researchers with limited resources can now get their copy straight from the publishers with the special discount code: a16c12

Cambridge Scholars Publishing



EVP and Earthbound Spirits

Some Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) experiments can attract the earthbound spirits of the deceased. Here is a recording of the release of two such EB’s.



Hearing Voices – Practical Workshops

A series of practical workshops is planned for 2017 that is designed to demonstrate the complementary approach to the removal of negative voice intrusions for voice hearers.

Medical practitioners, psychiatrists, clinical psychologists and complementary therapists are invited to attend and witness the techniques used.

Willing volunteers who would like to have their negative voice intrusions removed are invited to let us know by ordering a free ticket for any workshop they are able to attend.


Demand for exorcisms increases in the US

In the US, over the past 10 years, the number of official priest exorcists has more than quadrupled from 12 to 50.

But for two of America’s most active exorcists – Father Gary Thomas, whose training in Rome was chronicled in Matt Baglio’s book The Rite: The Making of a Modern Exorcist, and Father Vincent Lampert, whose work was depicted on Paranormal Witness – it is an ongoing struggle to keep up with the demand.

Daily Telegraph News


Royal College of Psychiatrists – Hallucinations & Spiritual Experience

Programme Outline

Unusual perceptual phenomena, including visual and auditory hallucinations, have been associated with spiritual and religious experiences since ancient times. Since hallucinations associated with major psychiatric disorders not infrequently include spiritual and/or religious content, this has led psychiatrists to take a reductionist approach that treats all such anomalous experiences as pathology and likely to be indicative of mental illness. However, research shows that many people who experience anomalous perception should not be diagnosed as mentally ill and are not in need of mental health services. For some, such experiences serve to enrich and enhance their sense of life purpose.


This day conference will bring together recent scientific research on hallucinations with spiritual and religious perspectives. Mental health professionals need to be aware of alternative frameworks for making sense of anomalous perceptual experiences, with important implications for both clinical practice and the spiritual life.
