A documentary on spirit release by Keith Parsons

In this short documentary Keith Parsons talks about the pioneering work of Dr Carl Wickland at the Chicago psychiatric hospital, and mentions Dr Alan Sanderson and the  origins of the SRF. He suggests that Spirit Release Therapy could be the psychiatric treatment of the future. But why has it been ignored by so many for so long when there is so much evidence in favour of its application to heal the sick?



A Study in Thought Forms

Self-created thought forms represent a dimension of human consciousness that is largely neglected and ignored by mainstream psychology and psychiatry. This is just one facet of human experience that demands acknowledgement, and here is an article to address this problem. A must read for all SRT practitioners and clients.








EVP and Earthbound Spirits

Some Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) experiments can attract the earthbound spirits of the deceased. Here is a recording of the release of two such EB’s.



EVP Dangers

Conducting Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) experiments without proper controls and supervision can have unpleasant consequences. EVP involves capturing the voices of discarnate spirits on electronic recording equipment and is used by researchers looking for evidence of spirits. Often used by ghost hunters and paranormal researchers, the devices are often referred to as a ‘ghost box’. This video clip is a recording of an example of what can happen to the unwary experimenter.

