Revised Training Guidelines for 2020

The year 2019 saw our training programme expand to Mexico and the United States.  We have been acknowledged by no less than five senior psychiatrists in the UK,  members of the Royal College of Psychiatry and the Royal Society of Medicine and we are being asked, ‘When is our training coming to London?’

We therefore need to raise the bar on efficiency and standards with the aim of running a training event on the premises of the Royal Society of Medicine. Below you will find revised guidelines for the management of our online practice sessions and training workshops.

So, let us maintain the momentum and make 2020 a year to celebrate.

Happy New Year to All.

Practitioner Training


Remote Spirit Release Efficacy – Research Report 2019

Using our unique Protocol, 80% of cases of suspected spirit possession are resolved in one session lasting an average of just eight minutes.   Here is the evidence.

This research was made possible by the contributions of dedicated research collaboration and private pledges of just $10 per month. This is to say a big ‘Thank you‘ to our Patrons for your support during 2019. Without your support this research would not have been possible. For further analysis and case studies join our Patrons and share in our success as we break new ground in the treatment of suspected spirit possession. Click on the link below for the first test report.



SPR Lecture 2018

My lecture on Telepathic Hypnosis, delivered to the Society for Psychical Research in June 2018. This lecture gives the historical background on the scientific validity of using hypnosis with telepathy that inspired the remote viewing program of the United States Department of Defense. In this lecture I cite three case studies that demonstrate the potential of this treatment method for healing serious mental disorders such as psychosis and dissociative disorders.


Lost Souls of Earthbound Children

This post is shared by a friend and colleague SRT practitioner in Brazil.

One of the saddest things I encounter in the work that I do, is when I find an Earthbound spirit child.

The spiritual hierarchy has brought Zé and I numerous cases of children who have passed away and are frightened and alone and no one is SEEING them. In my case, they are many times English speaking, and the Hierarchy brings them all the way to ME, in Brazil!

There is such a lack of understanding of this in the Western world. And these children are hurting.

One case example I personally dealt with, was of a child who was playing with some kind of ball, kicking it in the road. A car hit the child, and he/she ( I couldn’t tell) disincarnated immediately.

The child then simply walked back home, and called for mom and dad, but no one answered. The house was different. And no one listened. No one even looked at him.

You see, years had passed, and every day the child went home to this. He didn’t know what happened. And didn’t even know how much time had gone by. And no one was there for him.

Thankfully the Hierarchy brought him here, to be attended to.. to be seen. To be held. And to be involved into my own aura, and so he felt the comfortable dense human warm energy once again. We then guided him on, where a loved one was waiting for him.

THAT, my dear souls, is why I do the work that I do. THAT is why my heart goes out to lost souls. Most don’t SEE them, much less help them. And they are hurting.

Those who say spirits go right to Heaven, and say they are all happy and at peace, and are now comforted… I’m sorry…but their paths are not all like this. Those words of comfort are meant for the living, for the LIVING to feel better.

My heart and soul go out to the UN-seen. To speak on their behalf. And SEE them. WITNESS them. And then help them the best way I can.

I’ve been silenced for speaking this truth.. And I’ve been hiding for fear of judgment of those who only see love and light. But I can’t be silent anymore. Those dear souls are lost, and alone, and are desperate for someone to see them as they are, and not whitewashed.


Visit Kristen and Zé at Higher Soul Healing


Ingo Swann in 2006

For serious students and researchers of parapsychology and the science of consciousness, this video is essential viewing. It is long, so not for entertainment.




Telepathic Hypnosis – A Neglected Research Field

Dr Terence Palmer will be giving  a lecture on telepathic hypnosis at the Society for Psychical Research on 7th June. He will be presenting three recent case studies and posing the question, ‘why is this important field of clinical intervention and research into the nature of consciousness still being ignored by the mainstream?’



Hospital Earthbound Spirits Released

Here is a video recording taken over the course of a two-day training program where spirit release trainees were instrumental in releasing earthbound spirits from a local hospital in the UK. The course was attended by an anthropologist and a doctor of medicine. It is suggested that a soul rescue group ought to be a part of the staff infrastructure of every hospital where people die and remain trapped on the Earth plane.




Shane Gadd Talks about Sympathetic Resonance and Vulnerability

Shane Gadd is an experienced medium with a wealth of knowledge about connecting with the spirit realms. This video explores several concepts that would interest the spirit release practitioner, developing mediums and anyone experiencing psychic attack. This is the kind of topic that demands feedback and comments.

