Stenger’s response to Dr. Alexander’s report of his NDE:
Creating Spiritual Alliances
The Getting Published Event – 2nd March 2013
Sound recordings of occult voices, paranormal music and unseen intelligences – 1905-2007.
Note: Collection of audio documents of paranormal phenomena including trance speech, direct voices, clairvoyance, xenoglossy, glossolia including ethnological material, paranormal music, “rappings” and other poltergeist manifestations as well as so-called “Electronic voice phenomena”.
Mindfulness and Neuroscience
Bridging the Hearts and Minds of Youth. 1-3 Feb 2013
Mindfulness in clinical practice and research. San Diego School of Medicine, featuring Jon and Myla Kabat-Zinn.
Near-Death Experience and the Origins of Afterlife Beliefs. 15th Nov 2012.
Gateways Of The Mind. 3-4 November 2012
An exploration of the non-physical realities of lucid dreaming and out-of-body experiences.