Research in spirit possession

This blog is being introduced for the benefit of academic researchers, clinicians, healers and their patients / clients. It is hoped that case studies will be presented for discussion. You are therefore invited to register and make your contribution.
The need for research
Evidence presents itself every day in the consulting rooms of psychiatrists and clinical psychologists that a wide range of distressing mental, emotional and physical conditions have their origins in a spiritual source. But the scientific consensus rejects this notion for several interrelated reasons. Medical science is grounded in the physical sciences of physics, chemistry and biology and is therefore not equipped to recognise a spiritual domain.
There is a tension between what the physical sciences can accept and what people experience in their subjective reality. This is not helpful for the person who suffers distress that has its origin in a spiritual domain. It is therefore necessary for medical science to be able to expand its frames of reference and accommodate real subjective experiences in order that they can be treated effectively.
I believe that it is the duty of every doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist and esoteric healer to contribute evidence from clinical practice in order for science to expand its conceptual frames of reference and accommodate all forms of human experience including spirit possession and attachment. On this page you will find guidance on how to present evidence that is accrued by you in your own consulting room in order that it may be used to contribute to the scientific knowledge that is expanding in this field.
There are four stages in scientific research to measure the efficacy of interventions. These stages are:
  1. Collect base-line data
  2. Introduce the intervention
  3. Repeat stage 1
  4. Measure the difference

There is no reason why these simple principles can not be applied to spirit possession. Let’s discuss …..



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