Improve efficiency and reduce costs through a simple and practical approach to stress prevention and management


  • The costs of stress can be measured in terms of statutory sick pay, impaired efficiency, temporary staff replacement, overtime and the additional burden on others
  • Stress is the second most commonly reported condition of all self-reported work related illnesses
  • An estimated 435,000 workers in 2009/10 suffered from work related stress
  • An average of 22.6 days off were taken by persons suffering from work related stress in 2009/10
  • GPs usually prescribe three months sick leave for work related stress sufferers
  • An estimated 9.8 million working days were lost in 2009/10

If you know how much stress related sick leave is costing your organisation then you can measure the cost-effectiveness of a stress management policy.

Police, ambulance and accident & emergency personnel, nursing staff, secondary school teachers, university staff and lecturers, social services management and field workers. If you are responsible for the health assessments of personnel in any of these professions then this will be of interest to you.

Follow this link for information on how much stress-related absenteeism is costing the NHS.

Ten top tips to assist NHS managers to implement the recommendations of the Boorman Report. It may help to pay particular attention to item no.4.

This Stress management document defines stress, looks at the causes and provides NHS employers with the legal position and where to find further information.

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