Psychic Readings with the Thinkers of Heaven

Download this extraordinary ebook from Amazon for free and judge for yourself the validity of these communications with the Spirit World.

Extraordinary psychic medium Martha McGinnis transcribes detailed, one-hour conversations with spiritual and historical figures. Persons contacted through this channeling process include religious leaders (Jesus, Buddha, Moses, Abraham, and Lao Tzu), political figures (Churchill, Gandhi, and Lincoln), natural scientists (Einstein, Galileo, and Feynman), social scientists (Jung and Friedman), writers and artists (Shakespeare, Milton, Pope, and Leonardo da Vinci), philosophers (Plato and Emerson), and jurists (Holmes and Bacon).
We ask readers to suspend disbelief and consider the profound implications of this new view of a benevolent universe, which differs dramatically from views offered by either clergymen or scientific materialists. These path-breaking psychic readings demonstrate that God is an All-Forgiving and All-Loving figure, there is no Hell or Purgatory, and virtually all persons obtain admission to heaven. These readings describe in rich detail the activities of men and women in heaven, heaven’s view of progress on earth, and the best means to worship and serve God.

These channeled interviews are full of new biographical and historical information, as well as fascinating insights into science, the creative process, planetary evolution, political science, and global economics.

On August 12, 2012, Kirkus Reviews provided this summary of Psychic Readings With The Thinkers Of Heaven:

“This rather unusual read is an excellent informal introduction to the work of various historical figures.

The unique premise of this debut book is sure to catch readers’ attention: John and Martha enter a heightened state of psychic connectedness as a means to gain access to their desired interview candidates. From the moment of ascension into this other realm, John and Martha build a portrait of each figure’s life and contributions to the world, while adding their own interpretations of that subject’s work. The authors convey the content as a nonfiction experience, although most readers may have to suspend disbelief. John assembles a list of writers, scientists, holy people, world leaders and philosophers, omitting no discipline or ethnicity. The list of candidates for interview is impressive: Albert Einstein, Jesus of Nazareth, Plato, William Shakespeare and Mohandas Gandhi. All of the guests speak modern, informal English, regardless of their native tongues, which makes the narrative more accessible, allowing the reader to feel connected wth the subjects. There’s not a particular feeling that the exchange is happening in another world, although one goal of the book is to bring readers into this other world. The authors strive to build a bridge betwen the mortal and the divine, endeavoring to foster a deeper understanding of human design. John and Martha raise equally thoughtful questions as they encounter esteemed scholars and philosophers from all cultures throughout the history of the world. At times, though, the text reads as a support of John’s own intellectual musings. He brings to each conversation his personal experience and understanding of the interviewee’s work, even asking for affirmation that his intellectual summations are correct. Unsurprisingly, each candidate is unfailingly impessed with John’s work and intellectual acumen, and they encourage him to continue sharing his ideas and experiences with the world. The narrative commences with a humble air, yet as it progresses, the tone tends to become didactic as the finer points of the interviewees’ research or philosophies are tested and questioned. While many of the conversations illustrate John’s and Martha’s depth of knowledge, readers are also urged to familiarize themselves with the corresponding original texts to fully benefit from applying the philosophies discussed herein.”


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