Hallucinations or Hearing Voices?

Chapter Fifteen of The Science of Spirit Possession constitutes a research project proposal to test the efficacy of spirit Release Therapy in the treatment of schizophrenia, and this series of posts will provide free transcripts from the book. To avoid missing any posts on this topic register with the site and receive notifications of all updates. Any researcher or student who would like a copy of the book at the researcher’s special 20% discount should register and ask for the special discount code.

Project Protocol
Auditory Hallucinations
or Hearing Voices?

The 1st part of this proposal is to test the hypothesis that Spiritist mediums are able to tell the difference between autogenic (self-created) hallucinations and voices that are veridical (emanating from an external source) in patients diagnosed with schizophrenia.

The 2nd part is to test the hypothesis that the same mediums are able to relieve sufferers of discovered external discarnate entities.

Aims and objectives

The objective of this experiment is to test the efficacy of Remote Spirit Release Therapy (RSRT) otherwise known as dis-obsession by Spiritist healers, in the treatment of mental illness. This method of intervention is regularly applied by SRT practitioners and Spiritists with variable degrees of success for people who have been diagnosed with schizophrenia. However, it has not yet been subjected to rigorous scientific testing in the UK. This research proposal therefore aims to initiate a research programme on the principles of healing the mentally ill with spiritual practice in the UK for the first time (to my knowledge). The first stage of the project is to determine the accuracy of clairvoyant diagnostics, and the second stage is to test the efficacy of spirit release therapy resulting in a positive health outcome.


The first experimental hypothesis is that spiritual mediums can differentiate between autogenic (self-created) hallucinations and veridical voices from disembodied spirit entities. Testing the second hypothesis is dependent on the first hypothesis being supported.

The second experimental hypothesis is that removing the source of an externally located spirit entity will alleviate the patient(s) from their intruding voices, thereby producing a better health outcome.


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